The Description, Reviews and Information tabs can be a nuisance, especially to a simple woocommerce store setup. Because WooCommerce doesn’t provide a specific class for this, you can’t simply remove the code from showing with CSS as it will effect the entire site. The easiest and simplest way is to add a function that removes the code for you. You can choose between hiding 1 or all 3 of the tabs.

You will need to edit your Themes Functions php file. It is highly recommended that you backup this file prior to editing. If you can modify it via FTP that is an even safer route as a mistake in the functions.php file can result in not being able to access your wordpress backend. If FTP is not an option simply browse to the EDITOR link, located in APPEARANCE, look on the right for THEME FUNCTIONS (functions.php). At the very end of the code, copy and paste the code and edit accordingly.

The 2nd example is how you can rename the tabs

The 3rd example shows how you can reorder the tabs.

For the original article please visit:

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